

Workshop for farmers to inform them on the results of EIP-AGRI OG Daco-Tech

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On 19 December 2024, the producers of the Agricultural Cooperative of Stavies were informed about the results of the DACO-TECH Operational Group and how the innovative information system for the monitoring of bait spraying works. During the workshop, speeches were given by members of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA) and ELGO-DIMITRA on olive fly biology, practices for the control of the insect and the effectiveness of the project’s activities.

The platform of the information system was presented live, allowing the full monitoring of the quantity of sprayed bait by the cooperatives’ crew, the tractor’s itinerary and the geographical depiction of all spayed trees. The workshop was attended by 30 participants including producers, advisors, agronomists and other interested parties.

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