
Christos Karatzas

Christos Karatzas holds a diploma in Agricultural Economics from the Agricultural University of Athens and a master’s degree in Sustainable Development from Harokopio University of Athens. His expertise lies in establishing and managing producer organizations and groups, utilizing financial tools to support their operational programs. He has extensive experience in European agricultural projects, focusing on climate change mitigation, resilience, socio-economic analysis, and training for farmers and stakeholders.

As a certified agricultural advisor, he currently coordinates a network of farm advisors who assist farmers in implementing innovative approaches. He is also an innovation broker, facilitating partnerships in the agricultural sector, and has coordinated Operational Groups in the fields of plant protection and circular economy.

He has also a strong background in implementing and disseminating best practices from the Rural Development Pillar and preparing rural investment projects for agri-cooperatives. During his last project he established an extensive network of agricultural cooperatives for implementing rural development interventions and offered training workshops for agricultural advisors. He is also a specialist in environmental and agricultural policy and has served as the national expert in the fruit & vegetables and rural development working parties in COPA-COGECA (EU) organizations. He is currently a member of the SCAR-AKIS working group and he frequently participates in workshops and seminars organised by EU CAP Network and other EU institutions.

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